>There is nothing that can be more satisfying than surfing YouTube during the late hours of the evening – especially when you come across those gems that shine amongst the shit.  You know what I’m talking about – those videos that make your cheeks swallow your eyes because the grin stretching from ear to ear has practically enveloped your face.  Of course you have to turn to the person next to you and tweak out momentarily followed up with an “OH MY GOD – this ….. is …… epic”.

Yeah.  One of -those- moments.

With that said – it’s pretty obvious where this is headed.  Five videos that have made me have those exact reactions over the last year or so.  Sit back and enjoy.

Here we have Benjamin Darvill, the harmonica/mandolin player of the late Crash Test Dummies, who has apparently lathered himself up with soul.  ‘Son of Dave‘ is how he rolls these days and I do believe he’s got something groovacoius going on. 

I don’t need to say anything here but ‘genius’.  This is Rodrigo y Gabriela – a couple that Numsig turned me onto – and I couldn’t be more grateful.  The skill alone leaves me gobsmacked but the whole thing is just purely amazing.  

I adore Lily Allen and I adore this.  This guy’s name is Ori and his interpretation of this track is gorgeous.  It gives the song an entirely new vibe without losing it’s roots and I think that’s a pretty fantastic talent. 

I don’t give a damn if you TELL me you hate this song.  Deep down your heart ticks along to this weird love song and we all know it.  The Proclaimers are one of the tightest ‘groups’ I’ve ever seen – and check out the tambourine work!  These two take what they’re doing so seriously you can’t help but smile FOR them.  Take a look at those neck veins …. they’re so not kidding. 

Best for last!  I love me a good Beatles cover but this is just incredible!  The Cover Tune Grab Bag is their name and what a happy bunch they are.  I can’t say much else – the video speaks for itself.  Epic guys, this one is epic.

Catch you on the flip flop!